About this Blog

 Here is what you might need to know about this blog.


I started this blog when I was still posting whatever I was writing on forums. I don't know how I got the idea to do so, but, back in 2011, it seemed like a good idea. That was also the year I was most active on here and updated regularly. Since then, due to this life thing happening I stopped writing, so this blog became deserted. Even more now as I removed all my previous posts and changed the name, theme and basically everything about it.


Right now I am thinking of challenging myself to writing more. I already got back to role play and I find that it inspires me to write about my characters and also brought back my muse so now I'm getting all kinds of ideas. All I need to do is write them and then post them here. I might write about my characters, I might share part of the RPs I write, I might post something completely unrelated, who knows. Anything goes. I also like writing prompts so I might slip some of those too.


If you stumble upon this blog, be warned, I like writing M/M content, usually 18+, and I am not very good at it, but I strive to become better. Also, please note that everything posted on this blog belongs to me and you are not allowed to share or reproduce part or all of it under no circumstances (although I am tempted to say you may do so if you credit and link back to this blog). Everything you read here is a figment of imagination and has no association nor is inspired by real life events unless stated so.

Thank you for stopping by and hope you enjoy my blog.

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