First Train Ride

The chugging sound of the train and the smooth ride made Ian sleepy. It didn’t snow this year, but the weather was bleak and cold. The heating was on, the seat was comfortable and he felt cosy. The winter holiday was over before Ian could fully enjoy it. It had been nice at home, waking up late, drinking coffee after ten o’clock and eating the delicious foods his mother prepared that year. Of course, every year was a feast. He could say that without sounding like bragging, his mother was a chef, if she couldn’t prepare the most delicious holiday meals, then who could? His siblings had been at home too, except for his older brother, he spent this year’s Christmas with the in-laws. When him and his sweet wife married they decided to spend one year with his parents and the next with hers. A good compromise, but Ian missed his big brother over the holidays, although happy he got to spend some qualit...